Your Files GUIDE
COLOUR MODE: CMYK – Colours created in RGB mode are generally never the same as colours in CMYK mode.
SATURATION: Colour saturation should never exceed 240% in total otherwise faulty printing will result. 100% Black (K), 50% Cyan (C) and 50% Magenta (M) is sufficient for a deep black. Colour saturation should be at least 15%.
SIZE AND BLEED: Please create a 3 mm Bleed (6 mm in the case of posters, 2mm in the case of business cards ) on each side in addition to the rimmed size. Important information (such as e-mail addresses, telephone number etc.) should be placed with a spacing of at least 3mm from the edge (5mm in the case of posters and 7mm in the case of magazines). In the case of punched flyers, please allow 1,5 mm bleed.
• Adobe Illustrator (.ai)
• Adobe Photoshop (.psd)
• JPG ( CMYK, 300dpi )
• TIFF (CMYK, 300dpi)
• PDF (according to the standard PDF/X1-a 2001)
Please convert all text into paths in the case of vector graphics.
Products details
Foil Blocking
Artwork Specifications:
Please ensure artwork for Foil Blocking is supplied in line with these specifications. Artwork received that is not in line with these specifications may be subject to amend charges. Sign4you cannot accept responsibility for print errors or late deliveries where artwork has been supplied incorrectly.
Elements which are too close together may fill in.
Your Foil Blocking product may take additional 2-3 working days to be printed and processed from its original indicated time of delivery when placed.
Artwork origination
We advise that artwork is only generated and amended in the following design programs:
Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Freehand, Quark Xpress
Sign4you cannot accept responsibility for any unwanted results from artwork originally generated in any other package.This is especially true of ‘office’ programs such as Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, etc, regardless of how the files are exported.
Artwork should be saved in the following file formats:Vector artwork – PDF
Bitmap artwork – TIFF or JPEG
All non-vector artwork should be supplied at a minimum of 600 DPI, any artwork supplied lower than 600 DPI may produce a block of lower quality than you require.
Please set Foil Blocking file to 100% black only and must be placed relative to where it will appear on the focal print file and ensure that you do not include or make a shadow to line or indication or less opacity print area on print file other than foil blocking file. It is dificult to overprint a foil blocking when same artwork already printed underneath. Please delete all unused colour swatches from the colour palettes.
Please note that it is unlikely that the colours shown by your monitor will be the same as is produced by the blocking,
All fonts used should be embedded (PDF’s) or converted to outlines (Freehand/Illustrator/ Indesign/ Coral Draw / Quark/ EPS).
Minimum size type in positive print is 6 point in block type such as Helvetica and 8 point in serif type such as Times Roman. It is not recommended to use extra bold or light type faces smaller than 10 point.
Minimum size type in reverse print is 8 point in bold block type such as Helvetica Bold and 10 point in a serif type such as Bookman Medium. It is not recommended to use extra bold or light type faces smaller than 10 point.
Minimum size rule lines are 2 point.
Please ensure that no elements of the design are set to overprint foil blocking. We cannot always check for this and it is likely to generate unexpected results.
Spot UV
Artwork Specifications:
We ask that you provide us with additional files of same size business cards for Spot UV. Everything on the spot UV gloss file should be 100% black and must be placed relative to where it will appear on the focal print file. We ask kindly that you do not include additional artwork on the Spot UV file unless you want it as part of the spot. It is to be noted that some fine lines such as rule lines must be at least 1 point or text under 10pt may not be suitable for Spot UV. Please check with our production team if you are unsure.
Elements which are too close together may fill in.
Your SPOT UV product may take additional 2-3 working days to be printed and processed from its original indicated time of delivery when placed.
We carry out gloss lamination on UV or flim depending on service availability on production and urgency of job. If customers need any particular type of lamination they have to let us know. We will try to keep your request if possible.
Matt lamination is always done on flim.
Durability of stickers
Limited weather resistance means that the stickers can be used outside to a limited degree. The durability of the print and the material depends on the weather, i.e. the print and the material are durable depending on the substrate and the weather.
In the case of magazines, we use saddle stitching (as you know it from common magazines).
Bundling (magazines/flyers)
You can additionally select leaflets and Magazines of 130gsm and 170gsm in bundles of 50 or 100 items.
Print colours / special colours
Special colour such as pantone, metallic colour ( 5th Colour) will be charged 30% extra ( Minimum order amount £250). You need to inform us for 5th colour. Printing using HKS special colours is possible on our note paper.
Paper Grams (GSM)
We can not give 100% guarantee of the paper grams (GSM) as we buy from paper merchant with certificate of paper grams. ( + / – ) 10% variation of paper grams (GSM) can happen due to large volume of paper purchase from different merchant. Above tolerance label also acceptable by European Paper Mill Association.
Paper Quality
We can not give guarantee of the paper quality of what was printed in the past or a sample was sent to you as we buy from different source of paper mills and merchants and stock a large number of paper palates. Supplier to supplier’s paper may vary from paper’s smooth, rough, colour, grain, thickness etc. All our printed product (both ink and paper) are sealed to protect print quality regardless of paper stock.
Colour deviations
In spite of the most modern printing machines, there may be slight colour deviations. The print result is dependent on many factors, including the character of the paper of individual manufacturers, e.g. the degree of whiteness, the grain direction and/or whether it is gloss or matt; climatic conditions at the printing site, such as temperature and air humidity. Should colour deviations within the tolerance range arise for reasons of this sort, then due to the way our system works the fullest use to capacity of our forms and machines this will not constitute a reason for complaint. Colour deviations also may happen for product using i.e. UV, Spot UV, any kind of lamination, sealer or media. The CMYK colour model, referred to as process colour or four colour, is a subtractive colour model, used in colour printing, also used to describe the printing process itself. CMYK refers to the four inks used in most colour printing: cyan, magenta, yellow, and key black. Though it varies by print house, press operator, press manufacturer and press run, ink is typically applied in the order of the abbreviation. We can not give guarantee of colour matching to your product (include re-print) at all. Should you require colour matching, please send us a hard copy, let’s see if we can match colour.
Coloured paper (printing)
We do not provide printing on coloured paper. However, should you want a coloured background; it is possible to create this as a colour in the file.
Maximum number of pages (magazines)
Magazines with saddle stitching are printed with a maximum number of 64 pages (including cover). If you need more than what ever online, please call or email us, we will provide you quotation.
Data / Artwork transmission
Please select between e-mail and upload.
For e-mail, send your files, stating the order number (you will receive this in your order confirmation by e-mail) to: info@sign4you.co.uk . For upload, you can upload your print data directly. It is free.
Colour mode
Please always supply your print data in CMYK mode. Colours created in RGB mode are generally never the same as colours created in CMYK mode. Colour saturation should not exceed 240% in total, otherwise this will result in faulty print products. 100% Black (K), 40% Cyan (C) and 40% Magenta (M) is sufficient for a deep black. Colour saturation should be at least 15%.
Do not create any decorative or special colours for any 4-colour products. This will inevitably lead to misinterpretation in the coloration. Please only use process colours in your documents. If special colours are used, we would ask you to always replace these with the appropriate CMYK value.
Please be aware that a colour on your screen or on your printout from an ink-jet printer will look slightly different to the finished print product. A computer screen shows colours using the RGB System; an offset printer uses CMYK. Both colour systems are very sophisticated but not every conceivable colour is shown exactly the same in both systems. This is why your data should be created in CMYK mode in image processing programs in order to be suitable for printing. We can not give guarantee of colour matching to your product (including re-print) at all. Should you require colour matching, please send us a hard copy, let’s see if we can match colour.
PDF files (to PDF/X1-a 2001 ):
- A PDF file must be compatible with the ISO PDF/X1-a 2001 standard.
- Always save the PDF as PDF-Version 1.3 and compatible with Acrobat 4.0.
- All fonts, images and colour profiles must be embedded and created out lined.
- Only printable elements are permitted, which means no comments, form fields, buttons or videos.
- PDF files that contain OPI links and password protected cannot be printed.
- Permitted colour spaces are CMYK and grey levels. The ICC-based colour spaces CalRGB, CalGray and Lab may only be used in association with an ICC-Profile.
- Avoid N-Channel (colour separation).
- Transfer functions (gradation curves) are not possible.
- Please do not supply Photoshop-PDFs.
- Do not secure PDF files using passwords.
Lettering / Character sets
In the case of vector graphics, all texts must be converted into paths. Please always supply your print data in CMYK mode. Colours created in RGB mode are generally never the same as colours created in CMYK mode. Colour saturation should never exceed 240% in total, otherwise this will result in faulty print products. For a deep black, use only 100% Black (K) is sufficient.
Creating black
The best result is with 100% Black (CMYK 0/0/0/100). For a deep black, 100% Black (K), 40% Cyan (C) and 40% Magenta (M) is sufficient.
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